Forum Marketing: 3 Methods That Will Guarantee Your Failure

Forum Marketing: 3 Methods That Will Guarantee Your Failure

Are you trying to make money online? Do you have your own business on the Internet? Maybe you want to start one? Or do you have a new product and want to spread the word? You might even want to test the waters, so to speak, and give this internet marketing thing a try. Forum marketing is an awesome form of internet marketing when done right. The problem is that most people do this incorrectly. I’m going to detail three ways people get this wrong so you can avoid these pitfalls and actually make some money with forum marketing.

  1. Spam the forum like crazy! Post affiliate links all over the place, usually in unrelated threads. Start new threads for the sole purpose of directing people to a sales page or landing page. Don’t provide any value in your post, just post a product to ensure you make sales. Fill your signature box with as many links as possible so you can get the most exposure for all of your offers.
  2. Post phrases that don’t provide quality or content, like “I agree” or “good point.” Doing this will not cause anyone to notice your signature. Make sure you do this as much as possible so you can get a really high post count and all the newbies will think you are an expert.
  3. Speak ill of anyone who disagrees with you. Who cares if his way works, your opinion is the only one that counts. If they don’t like it, they can bite it. You don’t care what they think, why should you?

Okay, remember these are the WRONG ways. He may pick up a hint of sarcasm, but he’d be surprised how often these things actually happen. If you want to make an impact using forum marketing, you need to keep in mind that a forum is a community. You want to try to get along with everyone. Build a relationship and some credibility. You want to be accepted as part of the group before you start trying to promote things. If you have a good line or two in your signature and make quality posts, they will visit these links. The goal of forum marketing is to get traffic. To get this traffic, you need to be seen as someone who knows what they are doing.

In conclusion, if you really want to make the most money from your forum marketing efforts, you need to build relationships and make quality posts. Avoid the three steps listed above and you will surely be making more money online in no time.

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